when love takes over

assalamualaikum w.b.t

pasal entry kali nie..actually sye tgh mood geram+marah+terkilan pon ad..bile cinta da menguasai semuanya..mule lah aty xkeruan,mkn xlena,tdo xkenyang..ehhh??silapp plak..whatever la.sye nk story morry nie..alkisahnya ad la sorang girl niw mcm "queen control" plak dlm family sye..blom jdik family agy..klo dah mmg bleh bwk bergadoh la..tension sye ngn girl nie..nk control2 sepupu sye..pas bleh plak REMOVE friends spupu sye 2..hei..girl...tlg ckit..awk tue sape nk control2 sepupu sye n TOLONG ingat ckit sepupu sye 2 msih ad EMAK BAPAK dye..awk tue cume 'girlfriend' sepupu sye jeq...xpyh nk lebih2 la girl..awk tu pon ad EMAK BAPAK gak kan..so..please SHUT UP UR A%$ Ok...yg sepupu sye niw pon sme snggup ketepikn family psal girl nie..untung lah...
be rasional la girl..think positive..sye taw sye bkn nyer ad experience cintan cintun nie..tp kli nie sngt geram ape yg berlaku..warkkkk!!!if u want be more longer with us,please be nice to us..if not your'll regret..

marah benor niw..


#papai chenta..maaf sye ter'marah plak kt kamoo.:(

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